Mediation Services




Mediation is a collaborative process where a neutral third party, the mediator, helps disputing parties reach a mutually acceptable solution.

Unlike litigation, mediation focuses on dialogue and cooperation, offering a less adversarial environment to resolve conflicts.

The primary purpose of mediation is to facilitate communication, helping both parties understand each other’s perspectives and work toward a resolution that satisfies everyone involved.



The benefits of mediation are numerous. It is typically faster and less expensive than going to court. Mediation also offers more flexibility, allowing the parties to craft creative solutions tailored to their needs.

Mediation preserves relationships by reducing animosity, making it ideal for conflicts where ongoing interaction is necessary, such as in family disputes or business partnerships.

Lastly, but by no means least, because the outcome is mutually agreed upon, compliance with the resolution is often higher, leading to long-lasting agreements.



Confidentiality is central to the success of the mediation process. All participants involved in the mediation are asked to sign a standard confidentiality agreement.


Accredited Mediator

Ezra is an accredited mediator with the Civil Mediation Council.

For any inquiries regarding booking a mediator to help resolve a dispute or conflict, please contact Ezra at